, NAK Learning is an Education Specialist business that focuses on designing, developing, and bringing to life anything education related. Whether that is educational resources, courses for higher education, or creating networking groups for educational purposes, if it requires education, NAK Learning is the place to go to. NAK Learning is broken down into 3 Resources; Services, Courses, and Free Resources.

About the Founder 

As an Educational specialists, Nadia’s role is to maximise the learning experience for the students by creating teachable and learnable content, updating teaching approaches to the 21st digital century, and improving teaching methods through psychoeducational principles.

Nadia is a passionate academic and a creative educator with a love for psychology, education, business, and innovative ideation. Nadia’s purpose is to maximise the learning experience of by incorporating psychoeducation theories, integrating 21st century technology, and customising the whole learning experience.


At NAK Learning, we offer the below services: 

  • Instructional Design
  • Course Development
  • Educational Coaching
  • Educational Networking groups
  • Learning Materials 

Learning materials include:

  • e-learning modules e-learning videos
  • Audio learning 
  • Recorded tutorials
  • Micro-modules
  • PDF resources
  •  Exercise booklets


    There are a number of developed education courses that individuals can take in order to develop new skills or further their current learning journey. NAK Learning has a variety of courses and will be available in a variety of topics.

    Free Resources

    The main principle at NAK Learning is that education is the heart of the business. We believe that providing sources of free education to the world is not only desirable, it is a moral obligation. We are passionate about providing and delivering the best education we can. It is passionate to provide the best education we can offer to our current and future generations. 

    Please see our Youtube page for free educational resources that are constantly being uploaded.

    Contact Us

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